In ITER, each heating neutral beam injector (HNB) will deliver about 16.5MW heating power by accelerating a 40A deuterium negative ion beam up to the energy of 1MeV. The ions are generated inside a caesiated negative ion source, where the injected H2/D2 is ionized by a radio frequency electromagnetic field.The SPIDER test bed, currently being manufactured, is going to be the ion source test facility for the full size ion source of the HNBs and of the diagnostic neutral beam injector of ITER.The SPIDER beam source comprises an ion source with 8 radio-frequency drivers and a three-grid system, providing an overall acceleration up to energies of about 100keV [1]. SPIDER represents a substantial step forward between the half ITER size ion source, which is currently being tested at the ELISE test bed in IPP-Garching, and the negative ion sources to be used on ITER, in terms of layout, dimensions and operating parameters. The SPIDER beam source will be housed inside a vacuum vessel which will be equipped with a beam dump and a graphite diagnostic calorimeter.The manufacturing design of the main parts of the SPIDER beam source has been completed and many of the tests on the prototypes have been successfully passed. The most complex parts, from the manufacturing point of view, of the ion source and the accelerator, developed by galvanic deposition of copper are being manufactured. The manufacturing phase will be completed within 2015, when the assembly of the device will start at the PRIMA site, in Padova (I).The paper describes the status of the procurement, the adaptations operated on the design of the beam source for the fabrication, with particular emphasis to the engineering development to enable the fulfillment of the tight requirements set in the technical specifications. Moreover the tests performed on the prototypes are reported.
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