In general, unexpected failures in sensorless brushless DC (BLDC) motors can result in production downtime, costly repairs, and safety concerns. BLDC motors are commonly used in home appliances, the medical sector, aerospace, small-scale, and large-scale industries under uncertain operating conditions. Therefore, the fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) of BLDC motor drives can play a very important role in increasing their performance, reliability, robustness control, and operational safety under uncertain operating conditions in critical real-time applications. To satisfy these issues of hall effect sensor, misplacement of a hall-effect sensor, inverter IGBT open-switch fault diagnosis, failure of hall effect sensor, lack of robustness speed control of BLDC motor, which has received substantial interest in academic and industry sectors to establish the proposed work optimization techniques approach FDD strategy for speed control of sensorless BLDC motor under uncertain operating conditions. The proposed optimization techniques such as Bat Algorithm (BA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), and Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) approach FDD strategies for BLDC motor drives. These FDD strategies simulated by the above optimization techniques on a sensorless BLDC motor with numerical Matlab/Simulink 2020a simulation results are verified. From the simulation results, out of three optimization techniques, the WOA-based FDD strategies are very effective for both bearing and stator winding faults detection and diagnosis in sensorless BLDC motor drives.
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