BackgroundSince 1960, psychological theories of maladaptivebehavior began to change their focus from enviornmentto expectation, control, decision and helplessness on theindividual level. After 1965, M.E.P. Seligman introducesthe concept of learned helplessness representing a givingup reaction determined by the belief that whatever youdo it doesn’t matter.According to theory [1] there are at least three typesof inferences that people can make and this, changes theway people develop or not hopelessness followed by thesimptoms of depressive lack of hope when confrontedwith negative life events [2]: 1) inference on the motivewhy certain events occur (inferated cause or causal attri-bution); 2) inference on the consequences which mightresult from events taking place (inferated consequences)and 3) inference on oneself given by events that havehappened to oneself at some point (inference of perso-nal characteristics).In this study we will investigate the efficiency of cog-nitive-behavioural and pharmaco-therapeutical interven-tions in changing depression symptoms and improvingcognitive, emotional disfunctions and perception ofsocial support.We investigate the relation between depression and dis-funtional causal attributions, perception of social support,self esteem, emotions and reaction to daily life stress.Materials and methodsPharmacotherapeutical group (PT). The study included13 patients diagnosed with depression and at the firsthospitalization they got disthimia or major depressiveepisode diagnosis, beeing subsequently treated.Cognitive-behavioural therapy group (CBT) had12 participants.Control group (C), 13 participants, was selectedconsidering their scores on SCL-90, DEP scale.In diagnosis phase, subjects were given to fill in a set ofscales similar to psychiatric patients, and it was appliedagain after 6-7 weeks and at the end of intervention. Agroup with high scores on BDI and SCL-90, indicating thepresence of depression symptoms were tested only in pretestand posttest phases without beeing subjected to any thera-peutical intervention. Participant admited into the studyformed three groups: pharmacotherapeutical group (PT),psychotherapeutical group (CBT) and control group (C).Psychiatric patients were administrated with anti-depressive medication. The psychotherapeutical groupfollowed 18-20 sessions of therapy (onehour average ses-sion) over a period of 15 weeks; twice a week in the firsttwo and once a week for the remaining.In this study we used the following scales: SCL-90;ASQ; SGC; SERV; POMS and SMSSP.Attributional Style Questionnaire (A.S.Q) is an instru-ment that measures the “explaning style” patterns repre-senting the tendency of selecting certain causalexplanations for favorable or unfavorable events.Symptom Check List 90-R [3] is an instrument whichevaluates the gravity of the symptoms reported bypatients. The internal consistency of its subscales is situ-ated between .75 and .86 and for ISG it is .97. Test-ret-est trust quotient of the two testing phases (T1 and T2)is between .77 and .87.Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Supportis an instrument projected to mesure the way people
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