Livestock is one of the most remunerative enterprises among the farming community the present study was undertaken to know the scientific sheep management practices by sheep owners in Raichur and Lingasugur taluks of Raichur district. For this purpose, 6 villages from each taluks were selected on the basis of highest sheep population. Ten respondents drawn from each selected village with 120 sample size. The data was collected through structured schedule and the data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical methods. The findings of the study indicated that a large majority of the sheep owners (85.00%) administer the drugs for de worming in lamb management, followed by providing of fresh and clean water (83.33%) and proper bedding material (80.00%) in winter season. With regards feeding management of the sheep, a large majority of the respondents (85.00%) allowed their sheep for grazing in community land Nearly one fifth of the respondents provided green fodder throughout the year as their land comes under the canal irrigation provision, in addition to bore well facilities. Further, 100% of the respondents had proper floor space for the sheep size with cleaning padlock regularly in housing management practices. It is worth to note that 83.00 per cent of them monitor heat detection in sheep and provided treatment to the animals which were suffering from reproductive disorder (87.50%).This is mainly due to the availability of veterinary services in the locality. With regards health management practices, cent percent of the respondents check up the health of the sheep regularly and administer vaccination as scheduled (4/annum) and disinfection of the padlock in order to prevent the disease.
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