In the article, in order to solve various design problems of the hydraulic engineering and reclamation class, taking into account the conditions of functional operation of soft floating structures as water intake structures, the main aspects of the development of protective devices for irrigation water are formulated. As a result of the conducted research, based on the experience of designing water intake structures with water treatment systems, a specialized algorithm for solving problems of creating constructive and technological developments for reclamation water intakes in the water management complex was developed. The obtained results of the design and inventive tasks for a soft surfaced structure used as a water intake structure make it possible to select the estimated irrigation water costs (Q, m?/s) in the required quality and quantity and ensure the environmental safety of the reclamation system. In order to solve the tasks of ensuring the environmental safety of the reclamation system, the entire complex of structural structures, protective devices and technological equipment included in the water management complex was divided into three interconnected structural and technological schemes as part of a specialized type of natural-technical system “Water object – Water intake structures – Meliorative system”. Soft surfaced biopositive structures of a water intake structure as part of a reclamation system have been developed, in which the main protective agent is the first proposed by the author for the purification of irrigation water – a ruff filtrating load, which is an environmentally safe means of protecting the reclamation system from mechanical and biological contamination. An economic and mathematical model of a specialized type of natural-technical system “Water object – Water intake structures – Meliorative system”is presented, which represents the final stage of ensuring environmental safety of reclamation water intake, which is the main factor in increasing soil fertility and, accordingly, economic efficiency in the whole agricultural complex.
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