Collaborative cyber-physical systems are capable of forming networks at runtime to achieve goals that are unachievable for individual systems. They do so by connecting to each other and exchanging information that helps them coordinate their behaviors to achieve shared goals. Their highly complex dependencies, however, are difficult to document using traditional goal modeling approaches. To help developers of collaborative cyber-physical systems leverage the advantages of goal modeling approaches, we developed a GRL-compliant extension to the popular iStar goal modeling language that takes the particularities of collaborative cyber-physical systems and their developers’ needs into account. In particular, our extension provides support for explicitly distinguishing between the goals of the individual collaborative cyber-physical systems and the network and for documenting various dependencies not only among the individual collaborative cyber-physical systems but also between the individual systems and the network. We provide abstract syntax, concrete syntax, and well-formedness rules for the extension. To illustrate the benefits of our extension for goal modeling of collaborative cyber-physical systems, we report on two case studies conducted in different industry domains.
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