Objectives: This study primarily focuses on the causes and effects of brand hatred as well as the differences between brands in the service and product sectors. Methods: 400 samples each from both sectors will be collected using the judgment sampling method. Quantitative methodology is adopted for the study with analysis conducted through statistical methods such as multiples correlation and ANOVA. Results: It is anticipated that this study will identify the causes of brand hate, including bad experiences, ideological disagreements, corporate misconduct, and poor relationship quality, as well as the consequences, including anger, disgust, and contempt, symbolic incongruity, fear, disappointment, dehumanization, rumors, complaints, protests, brand avoidance, brand switching, retaliation, discontent, bad word of mouth, and brand reprisal. Conclusion: This cross-sectional proposal will also examine variations regarding the intensity of hate factors and the consequences of brand hate between insurance and packed food sector brands. Here the findings will contribute to the conceptual development of brand relationship studies as well as brand management initiatives of marketers.
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