Judith Brett, Robert Menzies’ Forgotten People, Pan Macmillan Publishers, Australia, 1992, pp. xi + 313, $26.95. Eric Aarons, What's Left: Memoirs of an Australian Communist, Penguin, Melbourne, 1993, pp. xi + 260, S14.95. Janine Haines, Suffrage to Sufferance: A Hundred Years of Women in Politics, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1992, pp. ix + 210, $14.95 John Hirst, Tlie World of Albert Facey, Allen and Unwin, Sydney, 1992, pp.xii + 167, $24.95. Richard Waterhouse, From Minstrel Show to Vaudeville: the Australian Popular Stage 1788–1914, New South Wales University Press, Sydney, 1990, pp.xiv+160, $24.95. William J. Lines, Taming the Great South Land, A History of the Conquest of Nature in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1991, pp. xx + 337, $34.95 Stephen J. Pyne, Burning Bush, A Fire History of Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1992, pp. xix + 520, $19.95 Stephen Martin, A New Land, European Perceptions of Australia 1788–1850, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1993, pp. xxii + 14, $24.95 R. Wright, The Bureaucrats’ Domain, Space and the Public Interest in Victoria, 1836–84, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1989, pp. xv + 350, $39.95 J.M. Powell, Plains of Promise, Rivers of Destiny, Water Management and the Development of Queensland, 1824–1990, Boolarong Publications, Brisbane, 1991, pp. xviii + 395, $40 Tom Griffiths, Secrets of the Forest, Discovering History in Melbourne's Ash Range, Allen & Unwin, Sydney, 1992, pp. viii + 212, $24.95. Eric Rolls, Sojourners, The Epic Story of China's Centuries‐old Relationship with Australia, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992, pp. 531, $45. Greg Whitwell and Diane Sydenham, A Shared Harvest, The Australian Wheat Industry, 1939–1989, Macmillan, Melbourne, 1991, pp. xi + $29.95 John McNair and Thomas Poole (eds), Russia and the Fifth Continent; Aspects of Russian‐Australian Relations, University of Queensland Press, St Lucia, 1992, pp xiv+292, $29.95. Libby Connors, Lynette French, Kay Saunders, Helen Taylor, Australia's Frontline. Remembering the 1939–45 War, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 1992, pp. xviii + 244, $16.95. Richard Bosworth and Romano Ugolini (eds), War Internment and Mass Migration: The Italo‐Australian Experience, 1940–1990, Gruppo editoriale Internazionale, Roma, 1992, pp 294. Jeffrey Grey and Jeff Doyle (eds), Vietnam: War, Myth and Memory ‐ Comparative perspectives on Australia's war in Vietnam, 1992, Sydney, Allen & Unwin, pp. xxiii+157, $19.95. Philip Mendes, The New Left, The Jews, and the Vietnam War 1965–1972, Lazare Press, Melbourne, 1993, pp. 236, $19.95.
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