The article describes the results of the philosophical and methodological analysis of the definitions - "formation", "concept" and "network" in the context of the preservation of architectural and urban heritage in ethnic regions of Ukraine. The relationship between these definitions and modern ideas about sustainable development and self-organization is revealed by their postmodern interpretation and architectural-sociological orientation. On this basis, two macrocosmic principles - the tectonicity of the formation of cultural focuses and the cyclicity nature of the sustainable development of ethnic regions, and two microcosmic principles - the architectonicity self-organization of the areas of these focuses’ and the ornamentality of their network is theoretically substantiated. These principles form the philosophical foundations of the formation of regional networks of historical centers of architectural and urban heritage on the territory of Ukraine. The principle of cyclicity reflects the recurrence of periodic changes in natural phenomena and stages of sustainable development of settlements and communities. The essence of the principle of tectonicity consists in the non-accidental placement of the overwhelming majority of focuses’ of architectural and urban heritage, which are provincial cities and towns, outside the zones of tectonic rupture dislocations and geopathogenic zones. The principle of architectonicity, which connects the natural and artificial environment, regulates the location of individual focuses’ and areas outside of fully urbanized territories, between highways and railways of national and international importance. The natural component of the architectonicity principle is rooted in the desire of a large part of historical provincial cities, towns, and villages to be located in a functionally and aesthetically attractive landscape environment - on the coasts of seas, lakes, and rivers, on the tops and slopes of hills, against the background of forest areas, etc. The principle of ornamentality integrates macrocosmic cyclicity and tectonicity with microcosmic architectonicity. It has a multi-layered structure, contains potentials, and becomes a regulator of the formation and sustainable development of the investigated network at all levels of its architectonical structure.