Deuterium (2H) spin relaxation of 13CH2D methyl groups has been widely applied to investigate picosecond-to-nanosecond conformational dynamics in proteins by solution-state NMR spectroscopy. The B0 dependence of the 2H spin relaxation rates is represented by a linear relationship between the spectral density function at three discrete frequencies J(0), J(ωD) and J(2ωD). In this study, the linear relation between 2H relaxation rates at B0 fields separated by a factor of two and the interpolation of rates at intermediate frequencies are combined for a more robust approach for spectral density mapping. The general usefulness of the approach is demonstrated on a fractionally deuterated (55%) and alternate 13C-12C labeled sample of E. coli RNase H. Deuterium relaxation rate constants (R1, R1ρ, RQ, RAP) were measured for 57 well-resolved 13CH2D moieties in RNase H at 1H frequencies of 475MHz, 500MHz, 900MHz, and 950MHz. The spectral density mapping of the 475/950MHz data combination was performed independently and jointly to validate the expected relationship between data recorded at B0 fields separated by a factor of two. The final analysis was performed by jointly analyzing 475/950MHz rates with 700MHz rates interpolated from 500/900MHz data to yield six J(ωD) values for each methyl peak. The J(ω) profile for each peak was fit to the original (τM, Sf2, τf) or extended model-free function (τM, Sf2, Ss2, τf, τs) to obtain optimized dynamic parameters.
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