The polymeric industry handles Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) as basic material for polymer (PTFE) and co- polymer (PCTFE) production. As a chemically unstable gas, it can react in an explosive way, without the presence of any other gases. Once initiated such an exothermic reaction can propagate through the pipe system of a plant and might lead to massive damages and/or fatalities. Especially after maintenance parts of the pipe systems can be filled with TFE, nitrogen or air at pressures up to atmospheric conditions whereas connected parts of pipes might still contain TFE at operating pressure state. Many of the regarding pipes are separated by ball valves, which allow a fast opening procedure. Thereby fast compression of the gas can occur and lead to a massive temperature increase which might induce unwanted reactions. Former tests in laboratory scale described by Meyer (2009) allowed an ignition of a TFE/air system by rapid compression only for a set of sharp defined boundary conditions. First tests in the lower industrial scale were done by Ferrero et al. (2013), where an ignition at typical industrial operating conditions was initiated. The results of the tests indicated that the critical achievable compression temperatures strongly depend on the setup and therefore on the pipe diameter as well. Therefore the necessity of further tests has been pointed out. The original setup presented by Ferrero (2013), which represents the smallest typical industrial size with an inner diameter of 1.125”, was modified to withstand an explosive decomposition reaction and to avoid a deflagration to detonation transition. Different safety concepts as burst discs and time controlled cut-off valves had been tested and evaluated to optimize the experimental setup for reproducible test conditions. This allowed the systematic investigation of the rapid compression of TFE–systems for the first time in the described scale without serious damages after an ignition. In the donor pipe always TFE at high pressure and in the receiving pipe TFE, nitrogen or air were present at an absolute pressure ranging from 500 Pa to atmospheric pressure.The scope was to generate a “hazard diagram” in which the ignition probability in dependence of donor (high) pressure and the receiving (low) pressure is shown. Hazardous conditions can easily be determined. A reference method for the maximum achievable temperatures of non-reacting gas systems was created using an air/air-system. Thus reactive TFE-systems could be evaluated regarding additional exothermic effects. The final hazard diagram demonstrates that there is no sharp limit between a “safe” state and an “ignition” for a TFE/air-system. Rather a transition range exists, which decreases with rising donor pressure. An increased temperature in this range, sometimes combined with small pressure peaks in the profile, indicates first partial restricted reactions near the end flange. The more it gets closer to the “ignition” transition the more traces like soot or undefined solid fractions were found. A TFE/nitrogen- and a TFE/TFE-system could not be ignited at all. A description of the experimental tests as well as a detailed explanation of the hazard diagram will be presented.
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