We compute the normalization constant and the proton matrix elements of the scalar quark densities on a 10 3 × 20 lattice, at β = 6.0, in the quenched approximation and for three values of the Wilson parameter: K = 0.1515, 0.1530, 0.1545. The normalization constant is in agreement with a new Ward identity derived in this paper. In terms of the usual D and F terms of the baryon octet mass differences, we find D F = −0.4 ± 0.2 , in agreement with the experimental value ( D F ) exp = −0.3 . We observe that D F decreases in absolute value for large quark mass, as suggested by the constituent quark model. Using a previous lattice determination of quark masses, we find M Ξ − M p = 210 ± 60 MeV, to be compared with the measured value ( Ξ − m p = 380 MeV. We also determine the nucleon σ-term to be σ = 15 ± 4 MeV.