The complete human body or the various limb postures are involved in human action. These days,Abnormal Human Activity Recognition (Abnormal HAR) is highly well noticed and surveyed in manystudies. However, because of complicated difficulties such as sensor movement, positioning, and so on,as well as how individuals carry out their activities, it continues to be a difficult process. Identifyingparticular activities benefits human-centric applications such as postoperative trauma recovery, gesturedetection, exercise, fitness, and home care help. The HAR system has the ability to automate orsimplify most of the people’s everyday chores. HAR systems often use supervised or unsupervisedlearning as their foundation. Unsupervised systems operate according to a set of rules, whereassupervised systems need to be trained beforehand using specific datasets. This study conducts detailedliterature reviews on the development of various activity identification techniques currently being used.The three methods—wearable device-based, pose-based, and smartphone sensor—are examined in thisinquiry for identifying abnormal acts (AAD). The sensors in wearable devices collect data, whereas thegyroscopes and accelerometers in smartphones provide input to the sensors in wearable devices. Tocategorize activities, pose estimation uses a neural network. The Anomalous Action Detection Dataset(Ano-AAD) is created and improved using several methods. The study examines fresh datasets andinnovative models, including UCF-Crime. A new pattern in anomalous HAR systems has emerged,linking anomalous HAR tasks to computer vision applications including security, video surveillance,and home monitoring. In terms of issues and potential solutions, the survey looks at vision-based HAR
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