X« = mean free path behind sphere shock A = sphere shock standoff distance FQ = drag force m = mass a = acceleration T,nin = minimum activation temperature of paint = 400°K T = wall temperature n = spectral order number, 3, 5, 7 X = wavelength of light in Angstrom units Inverted hemispheres, circular discs (normal to stream), spheres, 26° total angle 0.368 blunt hemisphere cones, 18° totalangle sharp cones, and other axisymmetric shapes were run in a hyper velocity wind tunnel. Hypersonic drag coefficients at zero angle of attack were measured in the air velocity range, 7,00020,500 ft/sec and Knudsen number range, 0.0001-0.34. Drag coefficient is defined as drag for c<t/qA JL. Knudsen number is defined as 1/3 mean free path behind shock/sphere shock detachment distance. In the case of nonsphere shapes, the Knudsen number is denned as the Knudsen number of a sphere with the same base diameter. These drag coefficients cover the range of gasdynamics to free molecule flow and are given in graphical form. The drag coefficients were measured by means of a ballistic balance in millisecond intervals, and referenced to the drag coefficient of a sphere in the gasdynamics region, for a gamma of 1.4, of 0.92. Tunnel stagnation conditions of pressure, temperature, density, and pressure drop with time were measured directly. In the tunnel test section, velocity, q density, total pressure, and static pressure were measured directly. These experimental curves have been found useful in the analysis of complex shapes if the complex shapes can be easily broken down into simple components with small interactions between components. Heat-transfer distributions have also been obtained on these and other complex shapes in the hypervelocity wind tunnel, by means of a special paint which changes through several visible spectral orders within a heat transfer range of X10 for a single application. Heat transfer rates, so obtained, have been performed in the hypersonic gasdynamic and slip flow regions and are presented for spheres. These data, in the vorticity interaction region, agree with the data of Ferri and Zakkay.*
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