The development, design, manufacture and testing of actively cooled high heat flux (HHF) plasma facing components (PFCs) has been an essential part of the Tore Supra programme towards long powerful tokamak operation. The Tore Supra PFC programme has culminated in the installation and operation of a toroidal pump limiter, since 2002, which already allowed to reach new world records in steady state operation (1 GJ injected in a 6 min discharge). The HHF PFCs development and manufacturing was achieved through a long lead development and industrialisation programme (about 10 years) marked out with a number of challenges. The major technical topics cope with bonding technology analysis involving an adequate material selection and procurement, repair processes development and implementation, development of destructive and non-destructive testing methods, and more generally industrialisation assessment. All these lessons are relevant to the ITER divertor PFCs manufacturing, although the technical solution adopted for Tore Supra (flat tiles concept) is different from the one proposed for the ITER divertor (monoblock concept). The routine operation of the actively cooled toroidal pumped limiter (TPL), capable to sustain up to 10 MW m −2 of nominal convected heat flux, is described. Up to now, the limiter fulfills its objectives in terms of heat exhaust. However, the thermographic monitoring exhibits unexpected behavior of the surface temperature. Particle exhaust control displays a complex pattern, due to the high fraction of the injected deuterium, which remains in the wall. The first experimental results with a full actively cooled wall gives access to ITER relevant information on wall conditioning, hydrogen plasma density and vacuum vessel inventory control, carbon erosion and redeposition and capability of in situ monitoring in a completely actively cooled environment.