Food legislation provides the overall framework/ ba ckground which regulates food and food safety, therefore creating a most required foundati on in order to provide and ensure a highly performa nt level of protection of both people's health and consumers in terest as far as food is concerned, considering the food offer diversity, which basically includes traditional pro ducts, as well as an efficient functioning of the i nternal market. Food legislation generally traces genuine principle s and responsibilities, the means usually required to create a solid scientific foundation, as well as the organiz ational procedures considered highly efficient in s ustaining adequate decision making strategies in the food saf ety field . FORWARD The existing various regulations in the food safety field have generated, in time, an intricate system which has rather prevented busines s development in the field. Considering this perspective, as well as the need of increased food safety, beginning with the 1st of January 2006, a new pack of food safety regulations has been enforced and applied at a community level. This pack of laws was adopted in 2004 and was intended as a set of more severe and clearer, harmonized rules on food hygien e. They are mainly general rules to be applied to all these products, nonetheless they als o include special regulations on meat and meat products, bivalved mollusks, fish products, mi lk or egg made products, frog legs, snails, gelatine or on collagen. The pack is formed of 3 St anding Orders/ Regulations and 2 Directives and is part of the EU strategy in the fo od field, suggestively entitled From the farm to the fork. In compliance to the new requirements, special focu s shall be laid on both the control procedures performed by the authorities abilitied i n this direction as well as on the self - control which shall be applied and performed at the level of each economic agent involved in the food production chain. Proper conduct guideline s shall be created at a national or community level, in order to direct the food indust ry operators towards the development of and compliance with this most desirable self contro l. Having in view that, in order to have a positive im pact, the enforcement of these sets of measures requires a most accurate evaluation of tho se to whom they address, all the food operators shall be required to register themselves as such. In order to reduce the number of diseases generated by improper food consumption, their microbiologic control shall become even more rigurous, by a harmonization and modernization of the methods applied in the field. Due to the fact that most of the food crises have lately been determined by contamined nurture / food fed to the animals, this aspect shall also benefit special consideration. The main respon sability, as far as the forage quality is concerned, shall go to the operators activating wit hin this industry. Of outmost importance shall be their ability to withdraw from the market and destroy the forage which breaks