This work investigates the vibration properties of planetary/epicyclic gears that arise from their cyclic symmetry. All results are derived without use of a specific mathematical model; only cyclic symmetry and periodicity of the response at the mesh frequency are required. Thus, the results apply for: spur and helical gear systems, two- and three-dimensional models, systems modeled with finite elements (or similar) or analytically, systems with any combination of elastically deformable and rigid-body components, and systems with and without high-speed gyroscopic effects. Because no model is involved, the findings apply to systems in industrial applications or experiments where no model is available. The modal properties are given in a form where central component (carrier, ring, and sun) deflections are described by nodal diameter (i.e., Fourier) components. An integer-valued mesh phase parameter is the critical quantity. It depends on the mesh frequency harmonic number, number of ring gear teeth, and number of planets. For each harmonic of mesh frequency, this mesh phase parameter determines: the specific nodal diameter components of each central component that can participate in that harmonic, the specific vibration modes that contribute to the response at the given harmonic, whether a potential resonance when the given harmonic of mesh frequency is close to a natural frequency can actually occur (most resonances cannot), and the sideband frequencies near the mesh frequency harmonic as measured by a sensor rotating at an arbitrary speed. The spectral sideband frequencies and amplitudes are linked to specific nodal diameter components of the central component vibrations, and they determine the specific modes present in the response. Dynamic simulations using finite element/contact mechanics software and an analytical model confirm the findings. We discuss the significant benefits in planetary gear design and practical troubleshooting and experimental testing.