We state some theorems about the product-connection of affine connections and prove (with the aid of them) the deRham decomposition theorem for arbitrary affine connections, satisfying a certain curvature condition. There are several versions of deRham theorem (or the proof of it). The story began with the classical result of G. deRham [5], which paper dealt with the positive definite case. Then Kashiwabara showed, that if ~7 is a torsion free aftine connection on M and TpM = Tip 9 T2p, where the 7~p's are invariant subspaces of the holonomy group with induced invariant distributions T1, T2, and if locally ~7 is the product of the affine connections ~71 and ~72 induced on the integral manifolds of 7'1, T2 by ~7, and (moreover) if M is simply connected, then the statement is true globally as well, i.e. M = M1 x M2 and ~7 = ~71 x ~72, where M I ( M z ) are the maximal integral manifolds of 7'1(7'2). Then in 1964 Wu [6], [7] extended the theorem to indefinite metrics. In 1972 Maltz [4] found an extension to arbitrary metric connections (which can have a not vanishing torsion hut this proof is heavily built on the fact, that the connection is a metric one. (See Maltz [4] p. 173). In this article we want to show, that Kashiwabara's local premise holds for every torsion-free connection satisfying certain curvature condition. (It seems unlikely, that we could abandon the vanishing of the torsion, as in Maltz [4], because otherwise we could not have the induced connections ~71, ~72 on the manifolds M1, M2.) So our results is a generalization of the theorems of deRham [5], (or KobayashiNomizu [3]) and Wu [6], [7], but not a generalization of Kashiwabara [2] or Maltz [4]. Moreover we give modifications of the globalization-part of the proof in KobayashiNomizu [3]. Although we could globalize with Kashiwabara's method, or equally well with that of Maltz, we have two reasons not to do so: the proof in [3] is the most wellknown, and the modifications are quite simple. We use the standard notations of Kobayashi-Nomizu [3] all over this article, expect for denoting the derivative of each map by a lower asterisk. If M = M1 •215 is a product of k manifolds, then we denote qi "7ri(q) for q E M . (lri : M1 x_• Mk ---* Mi is the i 'h projection.)
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