This study examined the relationship between work balance in the phase of a depressed economy and employee’s job satisfaction in selected organizations in rivers state, Nigeria. The research aim to determine the extent to which strategies to maintain work balance impact job satisfaction in the face of economic challenges. The study employed a correlational research design to explore this relationship, focusing on organizations in Rivers State. The population of the study consists of employees in selected organizations, with a sample size of 76 employees determined through a stratified random sampling technique. Data is collected using a self-structured questionnaire titled: Work Balance in a Depressed Economy Questionnaire (WBDEQ) and Employees’ Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (EJSQ). The questionnaire distribution and collection to selected employees took place over a period of four months ranging from October 2023 to February 2024. Participants were assured of the confidentiality of their responses and their right to withdraw from the study at any time. During this period, the 76 copies of the instrument were distributed, only 69 were returned. Of these, 4 were not correctly filled out, leaving the researcher with only 65 valid copies that were used for data analysis. To ensure content validity, a pilot study was conducted with a subset of participants to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire to make necessary adjustments. Thereafter, a reliability index of .87 was calculated using Cronbach Alpha method based on the outcomes of this analysis. Descriptive statistics, such as mean and standard deviation, was used to answer the research questions, while inferential statistics, such as Pearson's Product-Moment Correlation (PPMC), was utilized to test hypotheses at a significance level of 0.05. The statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS version 23.0 software. The findings revealed a significant positive relationship between strategies to maintain work balance in a depressed economy and employees' job satisfaction. This suggested that organizations implementing effective strategies to address work balance in challenging economic times are likely to experience higher levels of job satisfaction among their employees. The study concluded that by addressing work balance issues, organizations can improve employee job satisfaction, leading to increased productivity and a more positive organizational culture. Recommendations are made for organizations in Rivers State to focus on developing and implementing strategies that support work balance to improve overall employee job satisfaction.
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