In recent years, organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) have attracted a great deal of attention due to their potential applications in low cost sensors,1 memory cards,2 and integrated circuits.3 Great efforts are under way to design OTFTs with high performance, high stability, high reproducibility, and low cost.4 Two of the most crucial device parameters are the charge carrier mobility and the threshold voltage (VTh). Concerning the mobility, the main goals for most applications is its maximization.5 For VTh, the situation is more complex: for example, for integrated circuits it would be desirable to tune VTh over a broad range,6 e.g., for inverter applications. In silicon technology, complementary circuits that consist of p-channel and n-channel transistors are typically used.7 There have been many attempts to adapt this technology to OTFTs and fabricate organic complementary inverters.2,8,9 They, however, suffer from poor n-type transistor performance and/or air instability of n-type semiconductor materials. An alternative approach is the adaptation of unipolar depletion-load inverters enabling simplified processing, even if they do not provide the low power consumption and the simple circuit design intrinsic to complementary logic.10,11 Depletion-load inverters consist of an enhancement-mode driver transistor and a depletion-mode load transistor and can be realized using only p-type OTFTs. So far there have been attempts to achieve this target by using a level shifter12,13 or a dual gate structure.14 The main objective is to find a reproducible method to realize driver and load transistors with equivalent device characteristics (in particular mobilities), but different VTh values.
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