Restriction deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragment profile analysis coupled with immunogenic protein profile analysis has provided useful information in determining the differences between vaccine strains and field isolates of fowlpox virus (FPV). The DNA of strains examined in this study clearly fell into 3 minor groups of restriction patterns similar but distinct from one another: restriction patterns exhibited by the vaccine strains except 1 vaccine strain, Vac-82; restriction profiles indicated by Vac-82 and field isolates FI-38 and FI-42; and restriction patterns indicated by field isolates FI-43, FI-51, FI-54, and FI-56. Furthermore, when the strains were analyzed and compared by immunoblotting analysis, they showed group differences similar to the differences in restriction profiles. Both techniques provided high sensitivity in verifying differences between vaccine strains and field isolates of FPV. The disparity found in restriction fragments or immunogenic protein profile between vaccine strains and field isolates does not exclude the appreciable high degree of DNA sequence conservation and homology. However, the minor disparity observed in these strains suggests a molecular basis for why vaccinated commercial flocks could have continually been infected by variant strains of FPV. A rapid and sensitive polymerase chain reaction method, which amplified a product from the 4b core protein gene of the FPV genome, was developed for identification and differentiation of members of the genus Avipoxvirus. Whereas total DNA from either vaccine strains or field isolates was used as template for amplifying a predicted product of 578 or 1409 bp, only cleavage of the amplified product (1409 bp) represented an additional detection technique for species differentiation. An attempt to distinguish between strains on the basis of amplification product was partially successful.
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