Despite significant advances in materials science, introduction of new methods and principles of prosthetic treatment into the practice of dentists, complications after prosthetics with fixed structures are encountered. The result of dental prosthetics of patients with defects of hard tissues of teeth depends not only on the chosen construction and materials from which they are made, but is closely connected with the functional activity of the immune system. Cytokines are an important factor of mucosal immunity. The cytokine system represents one of the key components of mucosal immunity. It regulates normal physiological functions, restoration of haemostasis in the interaction of physical, chemical and biological factors on the body and participates in the pathogenesis of allergic, autoimmune, and autoinflammatory processes. The aim of the study is to compare the content of IL-1â, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-4 in unstimulated saliva and gingival fluid in patients during adaptation to metal-ceramic and oxide ceramic tooth-supported constructions. In the period from 2021-2024, we examined 3 groups of patients aged 46±2 years: group 1 – comparison group, patients without dental constructions in the oral cavity (25 people); group 2 – patients treated with tooth-supported metal-ceramic (MC) crowns (25 people); and group 3 – patients treated with tooth-supported zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) crowns (25 people). On the basis of IL-1â, IL-8, IL-10, and IL-4 we concluded that the mucosal immunity of oral mucous membranes is less affected by the structures made of oxide ceramics compared to the crowns made of metal-ceramics. Similar patterns of changes in the levels of IL-1â, IL-8, and IL-4 in saliva and gingival fluid in patients who underwent dental rehabilitation were found, which allows us to use only saliva in order to eliminate the complexity and specificity of gingival fluid sampling. Also, changes in cytokine indices in saliva and gingival fluid at different stages of prosthodontics reflect the level of reaction of oral mucosal immunity, which can serve as a criterion of the quality of the performed dental treatment.