The elastic and density properties of rocks of the Shamakha-Ismailly seismogenic blocks are studied by the ultrasonic pulse method in quasi-hydrostatic high pressure apparatuses. An attempt is made to more accurately determine the upper crustal lithology of these blocks. The observed values of the elastic and density characteristics of the rocks at high pressures suggest that the upper layers in the Ismailly and Shamakha blocks can consist of sedimentary carbonate rocks such as marls, sandstones, mudstones, and limestones. The middle layers apparently consist of volcaniclastic rocks: lithoclastic tuffs, andesites, etc. The lower layer (basement) in both blocks is likely composed of basic rocks such as basalts, trachybasalts, etc. According to the values of elastic wave velocities and densities, gabbroid rocks may compose the fourth layer of the Buinuz intrusion, identified from seismic data.