High-precision vibration densimetry was used to measure (with an error of less than 5 × 10−6 g/cm3) the density of dilute solutions (0≤ x 2 ≤ 0.01 mole fractions) of oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids in cyclohexane and benzene at 298.15 K. The limiting $$\bar V_2^\infty $$ and excess V 2 , ∞ partial molar volumes of these C18: n fatty acids in the indicated solvents were calculated. Benzene was demonstrated to selectviely influence the volumetric effects of dissolution (V 2 , ∞ ) of the linoleic (n C=C= 2) and linolenic (n C=C = 3) polyunsaturated acids.
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