RicinodendronheudelotiiBail., commonlyknown as Njansang, is a speciesendemic to the dense evergreenforests of Africa. Its fruits are highlyprized and are usedboth for home consumption and for marketing in Cameroon and in the Congo Basin in general.This studyaims to evaluate fruit production of thisspeciesunder the influence of two types of land use. To do this, itwasconducted in the bimodal rainfallforest zone located in the Central region (Cameroon) between the months of August and October of the years 2017 to 2019.Thus, individuals of R. heudelotiiwereidentified and their fruit production wasevaluated in agroforestry plots based on cocoatrees and in more or lessdegradedforests.The resultsobtainedshowedthat the fruit production per plant of Njansangis 8.34 ± 7.45 kg per year.It did not varysignificantlyfromyear to year, but wassignificantlyhigher in September.Moreover, itwassignificantlyhigher in cocoa agro-foreststhan in weaklydisturbedforests.Theseresultscould help forecastharvests and production sales for the month or year.Also, theycouldstimulate the introduction and integration of R. heudelotiiindividualsintococoa agro-forestrysystems and thusboost domestication, development of the species and the diversification of agroforestry production systems.
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