This paper examines the growing adoption of laser communication (lasercom) in space missions and payloads for identifying emerging trends and key technology drivers of future optical communications satellite systems. It also presents a comprehensive overview of commercially available and custom-designed lasercom terminals, outlining their characteristics and specifications to meet the evolving demands of global satellite networks. The analysis explores the technical considerations and challenges associated with integrating lasercom terminals into LEO constellations and the Inter-satellite communications service provision in LEO due to their power, size, and weight constraints. By analyzing advancements in CubeSat lasercom technology designed to cater for the emergence of future mega constellations of interacting small satellites, the paper underscores its promising role in establishing high-performance satellite communication networks for future space exploration and data transmission. In addition, a brief overview of our ALIGN planned mission is provided, which highlights the main key operational features in terms of PAT and link budget analysis.