Illicit use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors is dangerous to human health and society. This causes changes in behavior, emotional state and can cause severe psychological disorders. It also undermines the social structure of the community. Due to their effect on the brain, drugs can be addictive, leading to loss of interest in many areas of life. Drugs are under national and international control to prevent the negative health and social consequences of drug abuse. Given the fact that minors are important stakeholders in the system of state policy to combat drug use and distribution, there is no doubt that there are certain specific features of drug addiction among minors depending on the country's geographical location, drug policy, drug or psychotropic substance sales and cultural factor. For example, drug-addicted juveniles are addressed at the state level, such policies are aimed at responding quickly to the increasing number of juvenile crimes committed by juveniles in society, and it is young people who are often the focus of drug policy decisions. There are a number of initiatives and activities aimed at better understanding the specifics of drug use among young people. However, the analysis of minors' opinions and ideas about programs and control measures aimed at reducing the harm caused by drug use is currently limited. As in all areas of public policy, adequate consultation with all relevant stakeholders is an important part of the process of effectively developing measures to combat drug trafficking. Therefore, the main administrative and legal measures to combat juvenile delinquency in relation to illicit trafficking, use and distribution of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors were identified. The main authorized subjects and their role in the development and implementation of effective measures of administrative and legal nature to reduce the use, distribution and circulation of drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors among minors are also identified.
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