It is now just a century since Mr. Graham discovered the daily change in the variation of the horizontal needle, subsequent to which time numerous observations have been made on the same subject by Wargentin, Canton, Gilpin, Colonel Beaufoy and others, which have all confirmed, with certain shades of variety, the general fact as first described by the ingenious philosopher above named. The actual daily change however is so small, even in the horizontal needle, that it can only be detected with the most careful observations and with the most delicate instruments; and in the dipping needle that change, if any, is so extremely minute, as hitherto to have escaped observation : for it was only in the year 1820, that the Royal Academy of Sciences of Copenhagen proposed the determination of this motion, on satisfactory experiments, as the prize subject for that year; but the prize, I understand, has never been adjudged, no satisfactory communication having been received.