Urinary steroid excretion patterns and histopathology of tumors were studied in 5 females with a diganosis of pure virilizing adrenal tumors. The routine 17-ketosteroid and total fractionated 17-ketostnoid values were elevated. The elevation was primarily in the 11-deoxy-17-ketosteroid fraction, with dehydroepiandrosterone being a prominent contributor. In 4 of the 5 cases, the 17-ketosteroids could not be suppressed by dexamethasone administration. There was no discernible relationship between the degree of virilization and urinary levels of 17-ketosteroids. The 17-ketogenic steroids and fractionated tetrahydrocorticoids were normal and suppressed well in 4 cases and partially in the fifth. This apparent separation of corticosteroid and androgen biosynthesis in the adrenal is of considerable interest. Study of peripheral and adrenal vein blood obtained during surgery in 3 cases confirmed adrenal secretion of d ehydroepiandrosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and Δ4-androstenedione. In one case a significant amount of testosterone was secreted by the adrenal.
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