The dynamics of the 3237 cm−1 local vibrational mode in diamond, associated with an unknown defect, was investigated using ultrafast infrared pump-probe spectroscopy. When pumped at 3237 cm−1, a degenerate probe was used to study the ground state's recovery, while a non-degenerate probe tracked excited state absorption at 3029 cm−1, corresponding to the 1 → 2 vibrational state transition. The similar population lifetimes for the ground state recovery and excited state absorption suggests a single population decay pathway, with a lifetime of T1=2.2±0.1ps. Perturbed free induction decay signals observed in negative time delays gave the dephasing time of the coherent state between the 0 and 1 vibrational states, and further predicted the 3029 cm−1 transition. Images from FTIR microscopy show that the 3237 cm−1 feature and the 3107 cm−1 absorption line from the N3VH0 defect are not correlated, and our pump-probe study shows the 3237 cm−1 feature does not share a common ground state with the N3VH0 defect, both of which suggest that this local vibrational mode does not originate from the N3VH0 defect. A calibration factor was obtained via a Morse potential model constrained by the observed transition energies, which relates the concentration of the defect producing the 3237 cm−1 feature to its absorption coefficient measured by FTIR spectroscopy. Based on FTIR absorption spectroscopy under uniaxial stress, we further assign a trigonal symmetry character to the defect that gives the 3237 cm−1 feature. The results presented are consistent with the theory that the 3237 cm−1 feature originates from the N4VH defect, the quantification of which allows better tracking of the nitrogen content in diamond.