SYNOPSIS. We have conducted three hatchery-scale experiments designed to examine the actions and interactions of cortisoi and thyroid hormones in the development of a larval marine fish. Survival among controls varied significantly between the 3 replicate experiments. The threadfin (Polydactylus sexfilis) consistently responds to 1 hr posthatch immersion in a combination of triiodothyronine and cortisoi (T3 + F) with accelerated gut development and increased survival compared with untreated controls (C). Survival among larvae treated with T, or F separately was significantly improved over controls in one of the three experiments. The frequency of spinal deformities was reduced by cortisoi treatment, alone or in combination with T3. Growth did not vary with treatment, except that variance in larval length was reduced in (T, + F) vs. C in all 3 experiments. A hormoneinduced increase in uniformity could lead to reduced cannibalism, which is a problem in the culture of threadnns. These results suggest interactive hormonal regulation of developmental processes, working within the context of other biological variables.