Our previous analyses of deep inelastic lepton-hadron collisions are re-examined in the vanishing limit of the Pomeron contribution. It will be shown that the universality of struc ture functions can be deduced from our basic postulates in this limit. A further extension of this result is discussed in connection with the conjectured existence of a single universal function. 2 > supple mented by the Pomeron contribution and the available ep-data. 3 > In particular, we have argued that the Pomeron plays only a minor role in these processes and consequently various observable quantities reflect the character of each target hadron according to the counting rule. Furthermore these are closely related to the concept of the universality of structure functions. As for the preliminary SLAC-data 4 > one-deuteron collisons, they clearly show the difference between ep- and en-processes, in qualitative agreement with our predictions. In this connection, we remark that the . SLAC-data is still limited to relatively low energy (v)- and momentum (q 2 )-transfer region and thus they cannot be regarded as those of the really deep inelastic region, a measure of this being discussed in the final section. It is interesting to note that the Pomeron contribution is rather small in this kinematic region, while it does dominate in low q 2 -region just as the case in high energy nucleon Compton total cross section. 5 > In view of these facts, we are tempted to consider the vanishing limit of the Pomeron contribution in the deep inelastic region. The purpose of _this note is to reconsider our analyses in this limit and to eliminate certain superfluous assumptions made in I. In fact it will be shown that the following form of the universality of structure functions is a direct con sequence of our approach, i.e., with the notation used in I,
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