We introduce and study the \emph{Rademacher-Carlitz polynomial} \[ \RC(u, v, s, t, a, b) := \sum_{k = \lceil s \rceil}^{\lceil s \rceil + b - 1} u^{\fl{\frac{ka + t}{b}}} v^k \] where $a, b \in \Z_{>0}$, $s, t \in \R$, and $u$ and $v$ are variables. These polynomials generalize and unify various Dedekind-like sums and polynomials; most naturally, one may view $\RC(u, v, s, t, a, b)$ as a polynomial analogue (in the sense of Carlitz) of the \emph{Dedekind-Rademacher sum} \[ \r_t(a,b) := \sum_{k=0}^{b-1}\left(\left(\frac{ka+t}{b} \right)\right) \left(\left(\frac{k}{b} \right)\right), \] which appears in various number-theoretic, combinatorial, geometric, and computational contexts. Our results come in three flavors: we prove a reciprocity theorem for Rademacher-Carlitz polynomials, we show how they are the only nontrivial ingredients of integer-point transforms \[ \sigma(x,y):=\sum_{(j,k) \in \mathcal{P}\cap \Z^2} x^j y^k \] of any rational polyhedron $\mathcal{P}$, and we derive a novel reciprocity theorem for Dedekind-Rademacher sums, which follows naturally from our setup.
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