The material point method (MPM) is an advancement of particle in cell method, in which Lagrangian bodies are discretized by a number of material points that hold all the properties and the state of the material. All internal variables, stress, strain, velocity, etc., which specify the current state, and are required to advance the solution, are stored in the material points. A background grid is employed to solve the governing equations by interpolating the material point data to the grid. The derived momentum conservation equations are solved at the grid nodes and information is transferred back to the material points and the background grid is reset, ready to handle the next iteration. In this work, the standard explicit MPM is extended to account for smooth elastoplastic material behavior with mixed isotropic and kinematic hardening and stiffness and strength degradation. The strains are decomposed into an elastic and an inelastic part according to the strain decomposition rule. To account for the different phases during elastic loading or unloading and smoothening the transition from the elastic to inelastic regime, two Heaviside-type functions are introduced. These act as switches and incorporate the yield function and the hardening laws to control the whole cyclic behavior. A single expression is thus established for the plastic multiplier for the whole range of stresses. This overpasses the need for a piecewise approach and a demanding bookkeeping mechanism especially when multilinear models are concerned that account for stiffness and strength degradation. The final form of the constitutive stress rate–strain rate relation incorporates the tangent modulus of elasticity, which now includes the Heaviside functions and gathers all the governing behavior, facilitating considerably the simulation of nonlinear response in the MPM framework. Numerical results are presented that validate the proposed formulation in the context of the MPM in comparison with finite element method and experimental results.