Agricultural products are essential for nutrition and food security, particularly in China where agricultural production capacity is growing steadily. Despite the benefits of Ecological Agricultural (EA) products, including environmental protection and enhanced consumer utility, their widespread adoption and maximization of value are impeded by various factors. This study explores the intricate tripartite relationship - government, agribusiness, and consumer, in the value realization of EA products in China by establishing an evolutionary game model. The purpose is to illuminate the evolution of system equilibrium strategies across various scenarios and examine how significant external factors influence these strategies, thereby summarizing the evolutionary process of EA products' value realization and providing guidance for stakeholders' decision-making processes. The results indicate that with increased government regulatory efforts, technological advancements, and scale expansion in agribusiness, as well as the refinement of market mechanisms, the production cost of EA products decreases, leading to a steady rise in EA product prices and economic benefits for consumers purchasing them. Ultimately, the value of EA products was primarily realized through market forces. Simulation analysis using Matlab further validated the model's effectiveness and precision, highlighting the influence of government regulatory measures, consumer green sensitivity and preferences, and product base value on system equilibrium strategies. These conclusions provide insights for policymakers to facilitate the realization of EA product value and promote green and low-carbon agricultural development.
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