ABSTRACT Purpose Little is known about depression’s impact on Master of Social Work (MSW) students’ academic success and career trajectory. This study explored the experiences of students living with clinical depression and enrolled in a MSW program at a singular large Midwestern University. Materials and Methods Participants were recruited using convenience and purposive sample techniques. Data were transcribed and analyzed using an interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) framework, and the iterative processes associated with qualitative data analysis. Results Participants addressed their depression by (a) recognizing, identifying, and addressing their childhood triggers, (b) finding healthy coping techniques to address their depression while also addressing previous negative behaviors, (c) incorporating intentional decision-making techniques to help them once they were enrolled in the MSW program, and (d) incorporating behavior change techniques learned in their classes to help them deal with their depression. Discussion Students noted that classes presented opportunities to help them balance and address their triggers while also providing opportunities to holistically engage with academic demands. While there is no singular blueprint to ensure academic success, having clearly defined expectations within the academic setting (e.g. program expectations, studying for exams, course expectations, and personal responsibilities), helped to reduce stress, anxiety, and other unhealthy skills that may be correlated with their depressive symptoms and episodes. Conclusion Recommendations for faculty and students were made.
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