ozet Bu calisma, Erzurum sartlarinda Mulka, Rosenthais ve Silvergieter Frenkuzumu cesitlerine, tomurcuklarin tesekkul doneminden ciceklerin acilmasina kadar gecen devrede, bunyesel hormonlarin nasil bir degisim gosterdigini belirleyebilmek amaciyla yapilmistir. Tomurcuklardaki buyumeyi engelleyici maddeler yaz ortasinda nispeten yuksek bulunmus ve bunlarin etkilerinin Eylul ortasina dogru azaldigi ve Kasim, Ocak, hatta Subatta bile etkilerin yuksek oldugu belirlenmistir. Engelleyici maddelerde Aralik ayindan itibaren nispi bir azalma baslamis ve bunlarin etkinlikleri Nisan ayinda minimuma dusmustur. Buyumeyi uyartici maddelerin ise Mart ayindan itibaren etkili olmaya basladiklari saptanmistir. SUMMARY The Relation Between Blooming and. Endogenous Hormones in Currants (Ribes nigrum L., Ribes rubrum L.). This study was carried out to determine the changing of the endogenous hormones from bud formation to blooming period in Mulka, Rosenthals, and Silvegieter currant cvs. grown in Erzurum conditions. Bud samples were extracted with methanol, lsopropil alcohol: ammonia: water (8:1:1 v/v) was used as tank solution for. paper chromatography. Oat coleoptile test was used to determine the Rf value of growth inhibitors and promoters. The influence of growth inhibitors and promoters was changed month from according to the oat coleoptile test. The growth promoters were found in the sections of .Rf -0.1-0.1 and 0.7-U.9 It was observed that the most effective sections of Rf for growth inhibitors was between 0.3-0.5 values. The effect of growth inhibitors was high during mid-summer. But they declined from mid-summer to mid-September. However they began to increase again from mid-September to December. It was found that the effect of growth inhibitors was high even in January. But this effect declined steadily and it was the minimum in April. On the other hand the effect of growth promoters began to increase steadily from mid-March to on. The influence of growth inhibitors was less in Rosenthals and Silvegrieter than Mulka on 10 th of April which was the date of bud burst for previous cvs.
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