The possibilities of using spatial separation of channels in a multimode fiber are considered. When information is transmitted through a multimode fiber, a large number of errors arise due to mode dispersion, mode-to-mode interference and other sources. It is shown that if the fiber data transmission utilizes not an image corresponding to the original digital array but an image hologram, it is possible to use a specific property of holography – the divisibility of a hologram, thus ensuring the restoration of the original image from a highly distorted hologram or its fragment. The virtual optical object for which a hologram is constructed is a point source on a black background, and information is included in the coordinates of the radiation source. The result of encoding is the simplest hologram – a Fresnel zone plate, with the coordinates of the plate center carrying the encoded information. At the receiver, the purpose of decoding is not to restore the brightness of each point of the transmitted hologram, but to calculate the coordinates of the center of the Fresnel zones. This is what makes this method highly resistant to all types of distortion. A description of the numerical simulation is given, the results of which show that when moving from using a single-mode optical fiber for digital data communication to a multimode fiber for image transmission with the number of modes N=4096, a 128-fold increase in the transmission speed can be achieved, with mode dispersion distorting up to 20% of the received image.
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