The environment of cloud computing provides several advantages and a variety of data storage models, which entirely frees users from the vexing processes of storage equipment upgradation and data administration. Nevertheless, the customers’ primary worry is the safety of their data, and the literature offers a number of different security-based solutions for addressing this issue. This paper proposes a technique for time-efficient cloud data storage that makes use of keccak and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which enhances the data availability with a reasonable storage space. Third party agents are not employed, due to the fact that a third party cannot be relied upon to maintain a high level of data security. Thus, the proposed algorithm is applied by cloud users before the process of outsourcing is carried out. This method is resistant to data tamper and analytical attacks. In addition, the execution of the work that has been proposed requires a limited amount of time, which, in turn, minimizes the amount of energy that is required. In contrast to the already used algorithms, the presented work demonstrates superior performance in terms of its overall effectiveness.