This special issue consists of six representative research articles presented at the 14th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, in Limassol, a beautiful coastal Mediterranean city on the South coast of Cyprus. This annual symposium brings together practitioners, researchers, and scholars from the field of parallel and distributed computing to facilitate the exchange of ideas, enable collaborations, and promote the development of new research directions. The symposium had a highly selective program composed of papers describing original and unpublished research advancing the state of the art in the field of parallel and distributed computing. For this special issue, we selected the six best papers presented at the symposium. These papers reflect the broad nature of the field, addressing both theoretical and practical issues in mobile ad-hoc networks, clouds, routing, graphics processing unit computing, parallel irregular applications, security, and workflow scheduling. Alshareef and Grigoras 1 propose the use of a cloud service to register, save, pause, and resume sessions between mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) member nodes such that both the work in progress and energy are saved. They also introduce a checkpointing technique that captures the progress of a session and allows it to be resumed. Chilipirea et al.,2 describe a new fast simulator, designed to minimize the work needed to conduct extensive tests for opportunistic routing algorithms on multiple traces. They also present a comprehensive analysis of the most popular routing algorithms through extensive simulations conducted on their proposed simulation platform. Kouge et al.,3 propose a graphics processing unit implementation for digital halftoning employing local exhaustive search to produce high-quality binary images and to achieve significant speedup over the CPU implementation. Neves 4 presents two refinements of Exploit Parallelism in Irregular Codes (EPIC), a framework developed to ease the exploitation of task parallelism in irregular applications that use third-party tools and/or generate asymmetric sets of tasks. The two refinements focus on the software design and the scheduling algorithm of the EPIC framework. Sapegin et al.,5 present the design of a security information and event management system based on an in-memory database with an integrated machine learning library. Employing deep normalization of log messages, storing data in the main memory, and running data analysis directly in the database, the system achieves significant processing speeds allowing machine learning analysis of security events in almost real time. Xie et al.,6 propose three workflow scheduling algorithms, a fairness-based algorithm, a priority-based scheduling algorithm, and a tradeoff-based scheduling algorithm. The tradeoff-based algorithms were designed to meet the deadlines of more higher-priority workflows, while still allowing the lower-priority workflows to be processed actively for better performance. The guest editors would like to thank Prof. Geoffrey C. Fox for his help in putting together this special issue. The guest editors are very grateful to the reviewers for their high-quality reviews and constructive feedback on the papers.
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