This study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with a phenomenological approach to examine “Instilling Religious Values in Early Childhood Through Card Sort Media in Class B TK PKK 1 Banjarsari” taken from TK PKK 1 Banjarsari North Metro, with 57 students in two classes: B1 with 30 students and B2 with 27 students. Data collection methods used by the researcher include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research is the process of systematically collecting and organizing data obtained from interviews, field notes (observations), and other materials so that they can be easily understood, and the findings can generate accurate information. The data analysis method used is the qualitative model by Milles and Huberman. Based on the research on religious values (moral values and faith values), the results showed that the average moral value was 83.5, and the average faith value was 86.5. It can be concluded that Card Sort media contributes to an improvement in religious values. Through instilling religious values using Card Sort media in Class B TK PKK 1 Banjarsari North Metro, children began to change their behavior, such as praying before and after tasks, maintaining respectful speech towards peers and teachers, sitting while eating and drinking outside of break times. Additionally, the observation results in this study show that implementing Card Sort media in instilling religious values at TK PKK 1 Banjarsari North Metro plays a crucial role as it can be applied in the learning process with various methods.
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