Coffee is presently one of the most popular drinks consumed by people around the world. Different types of coffee typically depend on the types of coffee used, the level of roasting of the beans, the brewing methods used, and the extra ingredients added to the coffee. However, coffee characteristics are mainly influenced by a roasting process which highlight the aroma and flavor of coffee beans. In this study, we design a 2 kW household coffee roaster using heating coils as a heat source and controlled by the fuzzy logic algorithm built into the Arduino nano to predict the quality of roasted coffee. The quality of roasted coffee beans is divided in three categories: light roasting, medium roasting, and dark roasting. The body roasting machine consists of three parts; a roaster barrel, a propeller, and reduction gear, which rotates the roasting hopper and reverses the direction of rotation of the propeller. The roasted coffee beans in the tank are thoroughly heated by the heating coils, and the propeller is designed to provide an oblique to sweep the roasted coffee beans in the tank from the wall. The experiment is discussed in detail.
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