COVID-19 pandemic is realizing a deep recession of the global economy, income fall as well as the increase of unemployment and many enforced inter/sectorial changes. The crisis hits the sector of personal services more than other sectors (especially tourism, transport, catering) but also most branches of industries and manufacturing. Energy sector was damaged less or more, depending on the branch or technology, and fall of energy demand. It seems that the global economic recovery, nevertheless it could be in 2021 or later, will cause the high demand energy increase. The world will probably again be faced with choice of unsustainable and risky growth as previously, or sustainable growth and development. The actual dominant growth model is based on increasing material resources exploiting, negative externalities increasing (especially pollution) and very dangerous climate changes. The main contribution of climate changes to climate changes and greenhouse gases (GHG) emission is given by energy sector. If the energy sector would be developed like before in continuity with previous practice, this may lead to the strong energy intensity increase. The alternative way of fundamental restructuring is more difficult, but much more globally effective in developmental (economic, technology and environmental) sense. Serbia could remediate some short-term recession, but its official apply for high growth rate just after one-year recession, based on previous economy and energy structure, can be very dangerous, risky and unacceptable deception. However, inefficient public sector in general expensive public administration environment in combination with extremely dirty and inefficient energy could remove away the Serbian energetics from the modernization and reform process, which could worsen public health and environmental safety. On the other hand, energy reform and deep structural changes based on the green and circular economy, could give the opportunity for the quality growth and sustainable development after COVID-crisis. Today tipping point to economic flaws after the immunization-vaccination beginning, in Serbia, as all over the world, could be used for the designing unavoidable system strategic and structural policies and measures of sustainable energy.