Micromechanics has become a driving force in materials science and applied mechanics of fluids, solids, and porous materials. The possibilities offered by micromechanics ‘‘below macro’’ are entering all fields of application, ranging from traditional solid materials to multiphase material systems in geomechanics and biomechanics. At this moment in time, it appears to be useful to explore the state-of-the-art beyond macromechanics of porous materials and explore new approaches in theory and applications. This is in short the focus of the papers in this topical issue of the Journal of Engineering Mechanics. The mechanics analysis of multiphase porous material systems has been traditionally done within the macroscopic context of continuum mechanics, based on the founding works of M. A. Biot and K. Terzaghi. In particular, Biot’s poromechanics theory opened traditional monophasic continuum mechanics to account for couplings induced by a fluid phase saturating the pore space. Ever since, poromechanics has entered a great number of engineering fields, ranging from traditional civil and environmental engineering, to petrol engineering and more recently biomedical engineering. Still, in recent years, a need emerged to go below macro, and relate the macroscopic behavior of a saturated or partially saturated porous medium to the behavior of its microscopic constituents and their mechanical and chemical interactions. In the 1970s, first fundamental answers were developed through homogenization methods of periodic systems, relating both to transport problems and to poromechanical couplings. Almost 25 years later, this topical issue on micromechanics of porous materials explores the state-of-the-art in the field. The papers in this topical issue, which were presented during the 2001 Mechanics and Materials Conference in San Diego as part of the symposium Below Macro: Driving Forces of Micromechanics, focus both on advances in methods and applications. On the methodological front, we can distinguish two or three axes of developments. On one hand, upscaling schemes based on asymptotic expansion ~paper by Auriault! or volume averaging ~paper by Whitaker! today allow the determination of the mathematical form of macroscopic constitutive equations, based on specific assumptions relating to the physics of the phenomena at stake at a very fine scale. On the other hand, if the macroscopic behavior is known, the effective material properties can be determined, provided that the morphology of the microstructure is known. This is the focus of theories dealing with the reconstruction of real porous media ~paper by Adler et al.!, which may well serve in the future for the development of new materials based on homogenization methods. A critical element of poromechanics of saturated or nonsaturated porous media remains the development of methods that allow upscaling the local poromechanical couplings between one fluid phase and the solid phase, or in between fluid phases ~like surface tension! to the macroscopic scale. The problem is well known and solved for linear poroelastic systems ~paper by Berryman!, and recent work focuses primarily on the extension to nonlinear solid material systems ~paper by Deude et al.!, to nonsaturated granular material systems ~paper by Chateau et al.!, and inhomogeneously saturated porous media ~paper by Didwania!. Porous materials remain solid materials with specific strength, fracture, and nonlinear deformation properties. The question of upscaling these properties remains at the forefront of recent developments in micromechanics, situated between theory and applications, to fractured rock masses ~paper by de Buhan et al.!, to the frictional behavior of highly filled composite materials ~paper by Lemarchand et al.!, to a Bingham viscoplastic material ~paper by Perrin!, and to anisotropic damage in brittle materials ~paper by Pensee et al.!. Finally, an application of upscaling schemes to biomaterials ~paper by Hellmich and Ulm!, shows the great potentials of continuum micromechanics for novel engineering mechanics applications. The scene is set by a survey paper by Andre Zaoui, who examines the development of the theory of continuum micromechanics from its very beginning in 1887 to the present day. We are grateful for his contribution, which allows the reader to well situate the different micromechanics approaches in this topical issue in the general context of micromechanics of materials. At the same time, his review paper will remain a source of inspiration for the future.
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