Thirteen species, one n. comb. and one variety of Merulius and Phlebia proposed by Schweinitz and Peck are redescribed and 8 type specimens illustrated. The following names are placed in synonymy: P. acerina and M. pruni with M. rufus Fr.; M. confluens, M. pallens and M. ulmi with M. corium (Fr.) Fr.; M. irpicinus with Serpula pinastri (Fr.) W. B. Cooke; M. lacrimans var. terrestris with S. lacrimans (Fr.) Schroet.; P. pileata with Punctularia strigosozonata (Schw.) Talbot; M. rubellus with M. incarnatus Schw.; M. subaurantiacus with M. molluscus Fr.; and M. tenuis with S. himantioides (Fr.) Karst. Phlebia hydnoidea may belong in Veluticeps Cooke. P. cinnabarina is tied to a type which may be in Fries' herbarium. The type of P. coccineofulva is in poor condition and not a Phlebia. Type specimens were not found for M. brassicaefolius, M. roseus and M. sulcatus; the latter is rejected as a noim. dub. M. cupressi is discarded as being tied to a type which lacks any sign of a fungus. The remaining species (types not seen) are disposed in accordance with the studies of other workers as: M. odoratus as Cantharellus odoratus (Schw.) Schw.; M. strigosozonatus as Punctularia strigosozonata; and M. spathularia as Dacryopinax spathularia (Schw.) G. W. Martin.
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