A key element of theoretical physics is the conceptualisation of physical phenomena in terms of models, which are then investigated by the tools at hand. For quantum many-body systems, some models can be exactly solved, i.e., their physical properties can be calculated in an exact fashion. There is often a deep underlying reason why this can be done—the theory of integrability—which manifests itself in many guises. In Beautiful models, Bill Sutherland looks at exactly solved models in quantum many-body systems, a well established field dating back to Bethe's 1931 exact solution of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain. This field is enjoying a renaissance due to the ongoing and striking experimental advances in low-dimensional quantum physics, which includes the manufacture of quasi one-dimensional quantum gases. Apart from the intrinsic beauty of the subject material, Beautiful Models is written by a pioneering master of the field. Sutherland has aimed to provide a broad textbook style introduction to the subject for graduate students and interested non-experts. An important point here is the `language' of the book. In Sutherland's words, the subject of exactly solved models `belongs to the realm of mathematical physics—too mathematical to be `respectable' physics, yet not rigorous enough to be `real' mathematics. ...there are perennial attempts to translate this body of work into either respectable physics or real mathematics; this is not that sort of book.' Rather, Sutherland discusses the models and their solutions in terms of their `intrinisic' language, which is largely as found in the physics literature. The book begins with a helpful overview of the contents and then moves on to the foundation material, which is the chapter on integrability and non-diffraction. As is shown, these two concepts go hand in hand. The topics covered in later chapters include models with δ-function potentials, the Heisenberg spin chain, the Hubbard model, exchange models, the Calogero–Sutherland models and models with ground state wavefunctions of product form. One of my favourites is chapter 7, dealing with the consistency conditions for two-body scattering operators involving the Yang-Baxter equations. The strength of the book lies in the pedagogical approach, with the underlying emphasis on integrability and the Bethe ansatz. Sutherland brings his own insights to these problems, and as such there is also something to be gained by specialist readers. Given the author's aims, the book is not meant to be a complete and historic review of the field. Rather, the intention is that the general references given will point the reader in the right direction. Sutherland quite wisely gives an up-front apology to any authors he has left out. Certainly such historical omissions can be found. Two obvious examples are the origins of the condition of non-diffraction and twisted boundary conditions. Setting such minor points aside, Beautiful Models is a most welcome book. It does a great service to a fascinating, enduring and increasingly relevant field by highlighting not only the beauty, but also the magic of integrability.
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