RELEVANCE. The relevance of this work lies in the creation of a certified software package (SEC), which is focused on solving problems of interest to the thermal power industry. One of the tasks chosen by the authors is devoted to improving the efficiency of the well-known gas turbine cycle by modernizing the thermal power circuit, which refers to a gas turbine plant (GTP). It should be noted that for CHP and GTP, the problem of increasing/improving energy criteria (Z1 - electrical efficiency, Z2-thermal efficiency, etc.) is a priority. The article considers in detail a number of objects, among them there are: a) the domestic mathematical package (MP) SMath, b) the package of functions (PF) WaterSteamPro, c) websites, d) the computer environment (CS) Linux. When creating the SEC, the authors solved issues those are relevant, firstly, for generating plants, including thermal power plants and combined cycle gas plants (CCGP); secondly, the authors considered the problems that play an important role in the modernization of the GTP, which includes a recovery boiler. Purposes. The authors consider several goals. The first is related to the development of method I, which should ensure the optimization of criteria characterizing the PGU-1 power plant under study. This technique is based, in particular, on Information Technology (IT); it uses a number of open interactive (OS) algorithms. These algorithms allow the researcher to conduct thermal energy (TE) calculations aimed at determining energy criteria, Z = (Z1, Z2, ...). Based on method I, the PROBLEM (A) is solved, which is related to the search for optimal parameters, Yopt= (Y1, Y2, ...), characterizing the thermodynamic cycle of PGU-1, here Y1 is the temperature at the inlet to the compressor, Y2 is the pressure at the inlet to the gas turbine. The second goal is related to the creation of a "Multifactor technology for the formation of OS algorithms." This technology makes it possible for a researcher who performs TE calculations to attract such tools that correspond to the world level of IT (SMath MP, Linux MP, Mathcad Calculation Server tool, etc.). In accordance with the second goal, a number of TASKS are being solved; among them is a task aimed at the SEC complex, as well as the task of creating an OS algorithm for TE calculations that are focused on PSU and MP Linux. Results. The article describes, firstly, the SEC complex. Secondly, the TE calculations were performed in accordance with the tasks set. So, in task (A), the PGU-1 is analyzed, which contains a number of blocks (a steam turbine; a part aimed at the internal heating of a vocational school, a heat recovery boiler, etc.). As a result, numerical data and graphical illustrations were obtained, including an assessment of the criterion Z2= 48.68% for the vocational training unit under Yopt conditions and a thermal power scheme for PGU-1 was selected. Conclusions. Currently, for well-known reasons, domestic researchers are switching from foreign software to domestic developments. An analysis of the results obtained in these TE calculations allows us to conclude: SMath MP and the SEC complex have enabled researchers to successfully abandon software that relies on Mathcad MP, Maple MP, Mathematica MP and MATLAB MP.
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