The research is relevant due to the necessity to explore how gaming motivational mechanisms reduce internal tension and shape gamers’ identity in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG). The aim of the research is to investigate the role of gaming motivation shaping virtual identity and hardiness of young gamers. Hypothesis: gaming motivation correlates with reduced internal tension and influences the formation of gamers’ virtual identity in cyber space. Participants: N = 120 aged 18–25 years (n male = 72; n female = 48; M = 20.4; SD = 2.5) living in the central region of the Russian Federation. Methods (tools): The Gaming Motivation Scale (Nick Yee adapted by N. V. Bogacheva, V. E. Epishina, A. V. Milyanskaya) was used to assess game motivation for playing massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG); an abridged version of the Hardiness Test (S. Maddi adapted by E. N. Osin, E. I. Rasskazova) was used to assess resilience; the Virtual Identity Status Inventory (VISI) (M. V. Klementyeva) was used to assess the status of virtual identities; the Game Experience Questionnaire (W. A. Ijsselsteijn, Y. A. W. de Kort, and K. Poels adapted by M. V. Klementyeva, M. V. Kurguzov) was used to assess players’ competence. Results: the research demonstrated significant differences in the manifestation of gamers’ “hardines”: higher values were recorded during gameplay. We found strong links between gaming motives, hardines, gaming skills and virtual identity. Despite their seamless gaming motivation and perfect gaming competence, gamers experience internal tension, helplessness in real life and strive to escape reality while forming a virtual identity based on the images of their gaming avatars. Main conclusions: in an online game, young gamers are able to cope more effectively with internal stress, compared with the real environment; they are able to maintain identity, and successfully implement gaming motives. Practical application: the research results can be used to develop techniques aimed at strengthening hardines and supporting identity formation in young gamers.