We make a detailed calculation of the $s$-channel discontinuities of the two-Reggeon cut in order to see how the singularities of the Reggeon-particle vertices affect the weight with which an intermediate state contributes to the cutlike part of the amplitude. We confirm the counting of Halliday and Sachrajda for the Mandelstam graph and show the extent to which this result can be applied to more general cut diagrams so that the results of Abramovskii, Gribov, and Kancheli hold. We also consider amplitudes with vertices constructed from the precepts of multi-Regge theory (for instance, from a dual model) in which the counting of terms is different: In particular, the simultaneous discontinuity through both Reggeons does not contribute to the cut. The weight of a given $n$-particle intermediate state in forming the cut depends crucially on the analytic properties of the vertex one chooses.
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