•List current funding opportunities for research in palliative care at various NIH Institutes and the ACS.•Identify research priorities in hospice and palliative care across NIH Institutes and the ACS.•Identify NIH Institute and ACS contacts and resources to assist in NIH and ACS grant applications. What funding opportunities are available in palliative care research? Who gets funded? What went wrong? My proposal wasn't discussed! Wouldn’t having a dedicated study section solve most of my research problems? Can I really submit a grant an unlimited number of times? Am I allowed to talk to Program Directors/Project Officers? What is an Early Stage Investigator/New Investigator? If you’ve asked these questions in the process of submitting a proposal, you are not alone. This symposium targets the needs of both junior and senior investigators interested in obtaining research funding from the National Institute of Nursing Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institute on Aging, and the American Cancer Society. In a roundtable format, representatives from these funding agencies will provide brief presentations that highlight their funding priorities in end-of-life and palliative care science, important funding policies, specific funding announcements and collaborative opportunities, and recent policy changes affecting grant submission. Presentations will also provide new or junior investigators with tips on grantsmanship, whom to contact for questions, and common pitfalls of the submission and review process. The forum will provide opportunities for question and answer discussion from the audience and information sharing on useful resources for applicants.
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